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Create a Mobile App for Your Dispensary: 3 Reasons Why


As a dispensary owner, you must know that to create a website and to create a mobile app for your dispensary go hand in hand. What modern cannabis consumer doesn’t love the convenience of being able to order their favorite products with just a few taps on their smartphone? Not only does a dispensary app make it easier for customers to order, but it also allows you to push special offers and discounts directly to their phones. And let’s face it, everyone loves a good deal. In today’s competitive market, having a dispensary app is essential to staying ahead of the curve and keeping your customers happy. 

In this article, we’ll discuss the three main reasons you need to create a mobile app for your dispensary.

Tips to consider

Investing in an app is a big decision, but it’s one that will have benefits for both your business and customers. 

Take note of these tips to make the most out of your dispensary’s app:

  • Allow advertisements and sponsors to monetize effectively from your app.
  • Include recent cannabis news articles and trends to keep customers engaged.
  • Create and advertise a dispensary loyalty program.
  • Use platforms such as Weedmaps and Leafly to help promote and boost your dispensary’s app.
  • Utilize drip campaigns, text campaigns, and create calls to action for your consumers.
  • Suggest similar products to users by creating categories for products.

Now, let’s roll into it.

Excellent marketing strategy

There’s no denying that customer engagement is key for any business that wants to be successful. But what do you do when you can’t physically get your products in front of your customers? The answer is simple: create a mobile app for your dispensary.

A mobile app gives you the ability to reach a whole new group of customers, and it allows you to keep your customers engaged even when they’re not able to visit your dispensary in person. Plus, a mobile app is a great way to create loyalty among your customer base. By giving your customers the ability to order their favorite products from their phones, you’re making it easy for them to stay loyal to your dispensary.

Notification and location

Push notifications and location-based alerts allow you to send geo-targeted campaigns, making it easier to reach customers nearby via their Android or iPhone (iOS) devices. By leveraging the power of push notifications and location-based alerts, you can create targeted campaigns that will reach your customers exactly when and where they’re most likely to make a purchase.

Segment-based campaigns allow you to target specific types of customers with limited-time pricing or deals, and seasonal and exclusive mobile app offers. You can also use push notifications to keep your patients or customers up-to-date with your latest deals, promotions, and new products.

Maintain a loyal customer base

At this point, you’ve probably put a lot of effort into acquiring new customers. But what about retaining them? Loyalty and retention are important, and something you can’t just buy. You have to earn it. And what better way to show your customers that you appreciate their business than with a loyalty program?

The more customers visit, the more points they earn, which can be redeemed for discounts or freebies. Not only will this keep your customers coming back, but it will also create word-of-mouth buzz that can attract new business.

Read our blog post about how to “Create a Dispensary Loyalty Program in 5 Simple Steps” for more guidance.

Increase dispensary revenue

Like many other businesses, you are probably wondering if investing in a mobile dispensary app will increase your sales and return on investment. And the answer is yes! A well-thought-out solution like this brings customers to your store in real time. Having interactive features on your mobile app will allow consumers to see what’s available and shop without even having to leave their homes or office chair.

To the point

Investing in an app is a big move, but it’s one that will pay off. The benefits of using apps for marketing campaigns and customer acquisition are numerous, and not just to you as a business owner. Your customers also reap the rewards! With the rise in technology, stay ahead of the curve, quit the games, and create a mobile app for your dispensary.

Any further questions?

Get in touch with us here at WeedBoost if you have any questions about how to get started building an app for your dispensary, if you’re in search of a new website, SEO (search engine optimization), social media management, or simply need someone to talk to about this whole “cannabis thing”. We know how to help.

1 Comment

  • James
    Posted July 16, 2022 at 6:09 AM

    Great Post WeedBoost!

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